Investor Information
The securities of the Company are listed on the following stock exchanges:
Bombay Stock ExchangeLimited
Stock Code: 519455
- Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Mumbai – 400 001
- (022) 22721233/4
- (022) 22-22721919
Madras Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Code: 519455
- Dalal Street, No. 30, Second Line Beach, Chennai-600001
- (044)-25228951/52/53/57, (044)- 25224393
- (044) 25244897
Delhi Stock Exchange Limited
Stock Code: 7405
- DSE HOUSE, 3/1, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi – 110002
- (011) 46470000
Registrar & Share Transfer Agent CIL Securities Limited
- 214, Raghava Ratna Towers, Chirag Ali Lane, Abids, Hyderabad- 500001
- (040)23202465/ 3155